Who knew that three cats could cause such mayhem?! Actually, to be 100% honest, it's all caused by the youngest cat, Chloe. She was rescued by a friend from the tracks in town, and once I saw her cute little face, I was a goner! Don't let that innocent face fool you, she is a trouble-maker. :) So far, she has broken a Princess House dish (playing with the cherries in it, knocked it off the coffee table), shattered a brand-new $15.00 light bulb (tri-light) by knocking over the lamp, and the list could go on! Chloe drinks from the toilet... terrorizes Leo, who had to have surgery lately because someone kicked him and broke part of a bone in his leg. She tries to wrestle with him, even though he screams loudly! Check out the video of her fighting with the hockey players, and you'll know why I've decided to keep her. She is absolutely hilarious!
This picture epitomizes my job these days. Enough said!